Special Topic Course by Prof. Antony Beris, Univ. of Delaware (USA)

Ημερομηνία Ανακοίνωσης

For the 2022-2023 academic year (spring semester), as part of the Special Topics Program that we have established in our PhD School, Prof. Antony N. Beris (Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Eng., Univ. of Delaware, USA) will give a lecture series on:

"NonEquilibrium Thermodynamics (NET) Modelling of the Rheology and Transport Phenomena in Complex Fluids"

The lectures will be given every Wednesday between 5.00 - 7.00 pm (Greek time), on zoom


0.  An Informal Brief History of Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics (NET)

1. Introduction to Modern NET.  Algebraic (Lagrangian) Examples

2. Eulerian Description: Newtonian Fluids

3. Viscoelastic Fluids: Following Oldroyd’s Seminal Work

4. Modeling under Constraints: Dilute Emulsions w/w and w Inertia

5. Thixotropy of Aggregating Concentrated Suspensions and Blood Rheology

6. Multicomponent Coupled Transport Phenomena

7. Reaction and Migration Effects: Micellar Concentrated Suspensions

8. Applications of NET to Energy and Exergy Evaluations